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La voce del violino
Various composers

Exquisite Noyse

La voce del violino

Format: CD
Label: Perfect Noise
UPC: 4260085534494
Catnr: PN 1501
Release date: 20 November 2015
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1 CD
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Perfect Noise
Catalogue number
PN 1501
Release date
20 November 2015

About the album

The CD „la voce del violino“ of Cologne-based ensemble Exquisite Noyse explores the diverse and colorful musical world into which the violin was born - anonymous dances, arrangements and improvisations, instrumental renditions of vocal works including beautiful and haunting madrigals, chansons and motets by Arcadelt, Janequin, Josquin and Verdelot. The next CD production is planned for Autumn of 2015.
Exquisite Noyse Exquisite Noyse brings to life music of the Renaissance in a very special way. Performing on instruments of the violin family and a Renaissance triple harp, Exquisite Noyse gives life to a pivotal and important musical repertoire. Our choice of repertoire, instruments, and playing techniques conjure an image of the violin as a new technology in a world undergoing radical musical change. In this music, the violin’s earliest voice—vibrant, seductive, fresh, and unfettered by later conventions —leaps off the strings and across the centuries to new ears and new discovery.
Die CD "la voce del violino" des Kölner Ensembles Exquisite Noyse erkundet die vielfältige und bunte musikalische Welt, in die die Violine hineingeboren wurde - anonyme Tänze, Arrangements und Improvisationen, instrumentale Wiedergaben von Vokalwerken, darunter schöne und eindringliche Madrigale, Chansons und Motetten von Arcadelt, Janequin, Josquin und Verdelot.
Exquisite Noyse Exquisite Noyse erweckt die Musik der Renaissance auf eine ganz besondere Weise zum Leben. Auf Instrumenten der Violinfamilie und einer Dreifachharfe aus der Renaissance erweckt Exquisite Noyse ein zentrales und wichtiges Musikrepertoire zum Leben. Durch die Wahl des Repertoires, der Instrumente und der Spieltechniken entsteht ein Bild der Violine als neue Technologie in einer Welt, die sich in einem radikalen musikalischen Wandel befindet. In dieser Musik erklingt die früheste Stimme der Violine - lebendig, verführerisch, frisch und frei von späteren Konventionen - von den Saiten und über die Jahrhunderte hinweg für neue Ohren und neue Entdeckungen.


Exquisite Noyse

Exquisite Noyse is actually an expedition team; but not one clad in pith helmets, wielding machetes which battles its way through the jungles of the Amazon. Our destination is good old Europe, more precisely the Europe of the 16th century,and our most important weapons are our stringed  instruments. Just as the impenetrable jungle conceals many things, so much of the origins of music for the violin family has been lost in the mists of the last five centuries. Hence the mission of Exquisite Noyse: to work with the repertoire, performance techniques and the instruments of the Renaissance creatively and imaginatively in order to reproduce the surprising and fresh sound the violin family made when it was still a new technical achievement in a time of the last five centuries. Hence the mission of Exquisite Noyse: to work with the repertoire,...
Exquisite Noyse is actually an expedition team; but not one clad in pith helmets, wielding machetes which battles its way through the jungles of the Amazon. Our destination is good old Europe, more precisely the Europe of the 16th century,and our most important weapons are our stringed instruments. Just as the impenetrable jungle conceals many things, so much of the origins of music for the violin family has been lost in the mists of the last five centuries. Hence the mission of Exquisite Noyse: to work with the repertoire, performance techniques and the instruments of the Renaissance creatively and imaginatively in order to reproduce the surprising and fresh sound the violin family made when it was still a new technical achievement in a time of the last five centuries. Hence the mission of Exquisite Noyse: to work with the repertoire, performance techniques and the instruments of the Renaissance creatively and imaginatively in order to reproduce the surprising and fresh sound the violin family made when it was still a new technical achievement in a time of groundbreaking changes in music. This music, the violin’s first “voice” – vibrant, seductive, fresh and unfettered by the conventions that developed in later centuries – leaps from the strings and crosses the divide of centuries to find new listeners and make new discoveries. And that can be as exciting as any expedition to the Amazon!



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